Are you like Zapier?

Jon Mifsud · 16 Jul 2019

Our experience at Xerocon San Diego had bee a blast, however, one question that stuck to my mind was this. “So are you like Zapier?”

For many accountants, interconnecting apps seems to be a Zapier based task. Mind you Zapier has possibly simplified the ability to connect various APIs and software together to create some funky data flows. That said Zapier has its limitations.

So what are the similarities between Zapier connections and a custom Xero integration?

I would say the concept of sharing data across apps and triggering flows is really what is similar. The differences also start at that point.

  1. Zapier is a set of pre-defined rules and connections. In most cases, the APIs available are barely touched and it only scrapes the surface of what automation can achieve.
  2. Zapier is a DIY tool, as good as it may be it never replaces a seamless integration. Think of it like this, a business may play around with their Xero account but if they’re serious they still get an account to oversee and guide them.
  3. Zapier is going to eat up your time, between setting it up and trying to identify problems and how far you can take it, it absorbs your most valuable resource time. Besides if you’re not a technologist it’s likely not a great use of your time.
  4. Zapier’s possible connections are limited if the software that you’re pursuing automation isn’t listed all you can do is request and pray that others do the same and it gets done priority. Hence you are likely to keep your data entry pains for the foreseeable future.
  5. A custom integration can essentially connect systems that are not available on Zapier given the fact that the software has an API available everything is possible.
  6. If processing and data mashups are required a custom integration would be able to read data from multiple sources process it and send it over to its final destination the way it needs to be.
  7. If you want your connections to be publicly available there is no better way to monetize your IP than a custom integration, zaps are far easier to replicate and given the size of the platform is likely to devalue what you achieve.
  8. A custom integration is really the only way your app has any chance of getting listed in the Xero marketplace.

If you’re feeling the pain of double data entry and the app that you or your clients use is not in the Xero marketplace reach out we’ll see if we can take that pain away.